Jordan Chiu

Scientist + Software Developer | he/him


Hello! I'm a scientist who dabbles in software development, based in Vancouver, BC. I enjoy doing meaningful, engaging work and strive to make a positive impact.



Bachelor of Computer Science
University of British Columbia
MAY 2020 | Cumulative average: 91%

BSc. Microbiology & Immunology
University of British Columbia
MAY 2017 | Cumulative average: 90%


I've had experience in:

  • Java
  • JavaScript
  • C#
  • C/C++
  • TypeScript
  • Git
  • SQL
  • R

I'm developing my skills in:

  • Python

I'd like to learn more about:

  • PHP


  • DNA and RNA isolation
  • Mammalian cell culture
  • Bacterial cell culture
  • Gram stains and microscopy
  • Bacteriophage propagation
  • PCR, RT-qPCR
  • Flow cytometry
  • Plaque assays
  • Yeast-2-hybrid assays
  • Western blotting and ECL

I work.


Associate Research Scientist

Research Technician
SEP 2020 - JAN 2022

At AbCellera, I lead pre-partnered programs, collaborate with cross-functional teams, and run assay development to help discover and develop next-generation antibody therapeutics. I regularly perform from flow cytometry, cell culture, transfections, and single-cell screens.

I also develop software tools for data analysis pipelines (Google Apps Script, R, python) and collaborate with teams for data management.

Junior Full Stack Software Developer
JUN 2020 - AUG 2020

I was a full-stack developer at Appara, where I helped develop robust solutions for legal records management software. I worked mostly in the .NET stack (C#, Bridge.NET, Entity Framework).

BCS Tutor / Teaching Assistant
University of British Columbia
SEP 2018 - DEC 2018; SEP 2019 - APR 2020

I was a teaching assistant for the BCS Program at UBC. I held open office hours, hosted review sessions, and gave assistance on a variety of lower- and upper-year computer science courses.

Example Session - Intro to CPSC 310

Co-op Student
Public Services and Procurement Canada
APR 2019 - AUG 2019

I was a full-stack developer at PSPC Canada. I built a database application from the ground up for Natural Resources Canada's Land Info Database with MS SQL Server, .NET Core, and Vue.js. I also contributed to development work on existing projects.

Dev Diary

Software Developer Co-op
CA Technologies
SEP 2018 - NOV 2018

I contributed to the new API Plans feature of CA's API Developer Portal, allowing administrators more granular control over access to their APIs. I experienced front-end development (BackboneJS, HTML, CSS, Javascript), back-end development (Java, Maven), and deployment (Docker, OpenShift, Kubernetes).

Research Assistant
BC Children's Hospital Research Institute
MAY 2017 - AUG 2017; MAY 2016 - AUG 2016

For two summers, I researched childhood rheumatic diseases for the Pediatric Vasculitis Initiative (PedVas). I routinely ran RT-qPCR, flow cytometry, and ELISAs. I presented my findings at research symposiums and seminars in 2017.

Cereal Molecular Genetics Research Affiliate
Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
SEP 2015 - DEC 2015

I helped investigate stress responses in keystone agricultural crops such as wheat and barley. I planned and executed time-sensitive experiments independently, working with yeast and bacterial cell culture to perform regular Two-hybrid screening.

Research Assistant
Kinexus Bioinformatics Corporation
JAN 2015 - AUG 2015

As a co-op student, I purified and validated antibodies for research and product development using column chromatography, Western blotting, and cell culture. I also helped facilitate transitions between co-ops by teaching new students lab procedures and practices.

I do things in my spare time.






TypeScript, Mocha/Karma, REST development, HTML, JSON

I worked with a partner on a full-stack web development project to allow querying of metadata from around UBC campus, including information about courses and buildings.

(Link unavailable, sorry!)

Buses Are Us

Java, JUnit, Genymotion Android Emulator

I extended a partially completed Java application that provides real-time bus information on the Greater Vancouver Transit system (Translink) with Translink’s Open API.

(Link unavailable, sorry!)

I volunteer.


Board Member
Open Way Community Church

I worked with other board members to discuss current and future directions for our community.

Production Team Lead
Tenth Church
SEPTEMBER 2017 - JULY 2021

I ran production and sound for live events, gave workshops, and mentored students in tech.

Media Technician
Tenth Church

I operated media for Sunday services, Christmas concerts, and special events around the city.

Neighbourhood Small Grants Resident's Advisory Committee Member
Kitsilano Neighbourhood House
JAN 2011 - DEC 2017

I worked with committee members to award small grants to hundreds of community projects around Vancouver.

I have hobbies.


I've loved these games:
  • Animal Crossing: New Horizons
  • EarthBound
  • To the Moon
  • Undertale
Musicians I'm listening to:
  • Black Country, New Road
  • boygenius
  • Jessie Ware
  • Little Simz
  • St. Vincent
What I've read recently:
  • The Wisdom of Your Body - Dr. Hillary McBride
  • The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle - Haruki Murakami
  • The Testaments - Margaret Atwood
I enjoy skiing, cycling, and walking our family dog.

My favourite hockey team is the Canucks (sorry if that's a deal-breaker).